Consumer Information

Consumer information on entering into distance contracts and additional information on electronic business transactions

The following information does not constitute contractual conditions. The contractual conditions are exclusively determined by the terms and conditions. The customer will receive the consumer information as well as the terms and conditions at the latest upon delivery of the goods.

1. Identity and postal address of the supplier

Kandinsky Deutschland GmbH
Königsberger Str. 100
40231 Dusseldorf

Managing directors: Kim Köhler, Jan Köhler

Telephone: (0211) 770577-280
Fax: (0211) 770577-270


Registry court: District court Dusseldorf, HRB 41925

VAT ID: DE 215627638


2. Language

The exclusive language of the contract is German.


3. Conclusion of contract

The depiction of the goods in our online shop does not represent a legally binding offer.

It invites the customer to send us a binding offer. The purchase agreement comes into effect based on the order by the client on the one hand and our explicit acceptance of the order on the other hand, i.e. once the goods are sent.

The customer can select individual goods for a later purchase by clicking on the shopping cart button. The customer can view the goods in the cart again before the final purchase.

Once the selection in the online shop has been completed, the button “checkout” should be clicked. The information required to process the contract as well as payment and delivery options then need to be entered. By clicking on “place order” the customer sends a binding order of the goods contained in the shopping cart. Beforehand, the terms and conditions need to be accepted as components of the contract by clicking on the respective button.

Prior to placing the order, the customer has the chance to check the summary of the contract details and can edit any possible mistakes by using the change function.

We will confirm the receipt of the order immediately by email, fax or letter. This automated receipt confirmation does not pose a binding acceptance of the order, but only informs the customer that the order has been received. The acceptance of the order will follow in a separate confirmation. The terms and conditions and this consumer information are included in the receipt confirmation.

In the case of partial deliveries based on a lack of availability of goods, all rights of the customer, such as withdrawal or cancellation, remain unaffected. Should a delivery not be possible and the customer withdraw because of this, then any payments already rendered by the customer will be reimbursed immediately.


4. Saving and accessing the contract details

When submitting his order, the customer can save the entire contract details by clicking on “file” in his browser and then by clicking in “save as”. Please ensure the correct saving process and that the file can be read before closing the browser window as the contract details cannot be saved at a later point in time.

The contract details can be printed if the customer clicks on “file” and then on “print” in his browser before he sends off the order.

The customer can print or save the terms and conditions as well as this consumer information by clicking on the link “terms and conditions” and “consumer information” in the online shop and then by clicking on “print page” or “save”.

The contract details are saved by the supplier and can no longer be accessed by the customer after the ordering process has been completed.


5. Essential features of the goods and services

The essential features of the offered goods as well as the period of validity of limited offers are provided by the respective description of the goods in the online shop.


6. Price of goods

The prices in our online shop indicated at the time of ordering apply. All prices indicated are gross prices and include the value added tax.


7. Types of payment and delivery restrictions

Since we send products by UPS it is not possible to deliver to so-called “Packstation” or parcel boxes.

The types of payment we offer is payment by Paypal, "SOFORT Überweisung" and Credit Card.


8. Costs for payment and delivery

We offer payment by Paypal, "SOFORT Überweisung" and Credit Card.. We do not charge any additional fees.

The cost of delivering the goods can be reviewed under the link “shipment fees”. The customer is clearly informed about these additional costs in the online shop before submitting the binding order.


9. Right of cancellation and cancellation form template

If the customer is an entrepreneur (Art. 14 German Civil Code, BGB) he does not have the right of cancellation according to Art. 312g German Civil Code in connection with Articles 355, 356 German Civil Code. The right of cancellation only applies to consumers according to Art. 13 BGB (“every natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes that predominantly are outside his trade, business or profession”). All customers who are consumers and with whom we enter into a contract via our online shop, are entitled to the following right of cancellation:




Cancellation policy


Right of cancellation



You have the right of cancelling this contract within fourteen days without stating any reasons. The cancellation period is fourteen days as of the day that you or a third party named by you, who is not the carrier, receive(s) the goods. In order to make use of the right of cancellation you must inform us about your decision to cancel this contract:


Kandinsky Deutschland GmbH

Königsberger Str. 100

40231 Dusseldorf

Telephone: (0211) 770577-280

Telefax: (0211) 770577-270


You can use the enclosed cancellation form template, which is not obligatory, however. In order to adhere to the cancellation period, it is sufficient for you to send the notification of making use of the right of cancellation within the cancellation period.


Consequences of cancellation

If you cancel the contract we are obliged to reimburse all payments we have received from you, including shipment fees (except for additional costs should you have selected a different type of delivery which is more expensive than the standard delivery option offered by us) within fourteen days of receiving the notification of your cancellation of the contract. For this payment we will use the same type of payment which was selected for the initial transaction, unless otherwise agreed with you. Under no circumstances will we charge you extra fees for the reimbursement.


We can refuse to reimburse you until we have received the goods back from you or until you have proven that you have sent the goods, depending on which occurs first.

Once you have notified us of the cancelation you are obliged to send us the goods back immediately and no later than fourteen days as of the day you informed us about the cancelation of the contract. The period is adhered to if you send the goods back before the fourteen days have passed. You will carry the costs of returning the goods. You will only have to compensate for a loss of value if this loss of value is due to a handling of the goods unnecessary to test their quality, features and functions.


End of the cancellation policy




Exclusion of the right of cancellation

The right of cancellation does not exist for contracts concerning

− the delivery of goods which are not prefabricated and for whose production an individual selection or provision by the consumer is significant or which are clearly tailored to the needs of the consumer,

− the delivery of goods which perish quickly or whose expiry date is quickly exceeded,

− the delivery of sealed goods which for health protection or hygienic reasons are not suitable for returning, if the seal has been opened after the goods were delivered,

− the delivery of goods which, based on their quality, were inseparably mixed with other goods after delivery,

− the delivery of alcoholic beverages whose price were agreed on when entering into the contract, which however can only be delivered at the earliest 30 days after the conclusion of contract and whose current value depend on the fluctuations of the market which the supplier has no influence on,

− the delivery of audio or video recordings or computer software in a sealed packaging if the seal was broken after delivery,

− the delivery of newspapers, journals or magazines with the exception of subscription contracts.


Cancellation form template

(If you would like to cancel the contract please fill in this form and send it back to us)


- To:

Kandinsky Deutschland GmbH

Königsberger Str. 100

40231 Dusseldorf

Telefax: (0211) 770577-270





- I/We (*) hereby cancel the contract I/we (*) entered into regarding the following goods/the following services (*):








- Ordered on (*)/received on (*): ………………………………………….


- Name(s) of the consumer(s): ………………………………………….

- Address of the consumer(s)









- Signature of the consumer (only if notified on paper):






- Date:







(*) Delete as applicable.


10. Warranty terms in case of deficient goods

The terms and conditions apply as well as the legal provisions. You are entitled to the legal rights of the buyer in case of defects. These are based in particular on Art. 437 German Civil Code.

We recommend that in the case of a warranty issue that you contact us by telephone or by email in order to agree on further necessary measures.


11. Code of conduct

We are not subject to any particular code of conduct.


12. Alternative dispute resolution

Alternative dispute resolutions according to Art. 14 para. 1 ODR-VO and Art. 36 VSBG: The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution, which can be found under We are neither required nor willing to participate in dispute settlement proceedings at a dispute resolution body.