Data protection info for user of the Kandinsky website
It is important to us to protect your privacy and your personal data. The Kandinsky Germany Company acts according to the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), the Telemedia Act (TMG) and any additional privacy policies.

Collection of Personal Data
With every access to our website, our server collects and saves data transmitted by your browser into its protocols, such as browser, operation system, the previously visited website, IP-address, domain, time, the client's file request (filename and URL), the HTTP response code and the transmitted bytes. Please contact your browser's manufacturer or read through your browser's help function, to find info on automatically transmitted data.

We cannot connect data to a specific person. A combination of this and other data will not be done. We only take statistical data out of the collected data, to enhance our website. We do not create user profiles. If your data is meant to be used, we will of course ask for your permission.

This Offer uses Cookies
Cookies are small text files, which are saved onto your computer, they allow us to collect statistical data, such as the operation system, IP-address, the previously accessed website (referrer-URL) and the time.This allows us to offer additional services, such as a shopping cart. In your browser settings you may disable cookies. Cookies are no harm to your computer. How you deal with cookies is up to you. For further information, regarding the acceptance and denial of cookies, insight and deleting them, please look at your browser's help function.

This website uses "Google Analytics"
This service is offered by the Google Company, which allows to analyse a website to gain statistical information. To ensure this, cookies will be saved onto your computer. The data will be transmitted and saved onto a Google server. Google uses this data to form reports on activities on certain websites. In case you have accessed our website via a Google Adword advertisement, cookies will be used through Google Adword's Conversion Tracking, which will expire after 30 days. This process allows us to measure an advertisement's success. For additional information on services and products by Google, please visit the Google Privacy Policy Center. Here is a reference to their privacy policy (

Additional personal data, such as your name, address, telephone number and Email address will only be collected if you have given your consent, for example with an order, a newsletter, a survey or in a competition.

Use and Transmission of said Personal Data
We specifically use your personal data for administration purposes and to meet your wishes and requirements, such as the processing and realisation of your order/contract. All customer data will be saved and dealt with according to the BDSG and the TMG. We will not transmit your personal data, including your address and Email address, to third parties, unless we have your consent or if it is required by law. This excludes our service partners, which need data to process your order (mail-order firm and commercial banks). In these cases, we transmit as little data as possible.

If you have any questions regarding data protection, please contact
Kandinsky Germany GmbH
Koenigsberger Str. 100
D-40231 Duesseldorf